Promoting Community Development Through Global Leaders
Reto Juvenil Internacional is a leading non-profit association that implements development initiatives in:
Costa Rica, Panamá, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Ghana, Guatemala, Belize, México, Guyana, Surinam, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Kenia and Spain in collaboration with local and global partners.
In this way, during last 30 years our organization has participated in over 3.560 Community and Social Development Projects.Empowering youth and their Communities to change the world, training, helping and giving the opportunity to more than 8.667 volunteers from different countries to develop new skills to be local and global leaders.
This has allowed Reto Juvenil Internacional to celebrate the cultural diversity of our world while contributing to the sustainable development.
Results: During its trajectory, Reto Juvenil has accomplished key outcomes for the development of hundreds of communities all over Central America, The Caribbean and Africa. Many of them, like friendships, memories and inter-cultural experiences, are impossible to quantify. Others, like the goals and objectives we have accomplished, fill us with proud and joy, for they demonstrate the results of our commitment:
More than 3.560 Social and Community Development Projects
Primary School Classrooms Constructions
Scholar Dining Rooms Infrasturcture
Dining Hall Programs to Feed Childrens in Poverty
Programs For People With Disabilities and Special Needs.
High School Classrooms Constructions
Education Access; Building weelchair ramps, pedestrian overcrossing, Bridgets and Road Access For Rural Schools.
Health Centers Constructions
Rural Primary Attention Center Constructions
Ophthalmologic Surgeries Campaings
Medical Campaings
Community Centers Construction
Training Centers Constructions for Women´s Groups
Rural Aqueducts Constructions
Social Justice Programs
Democracy and Human Rights Programs
Conferences For Youth Groups
Conferences For Women Groups
Organic Agriculture Projects.
Veterinary Programs and Campaings
Ecotourism Projects
Environmental Conservation Projects
Rural School Electrification Projects with Solar Energy
Internet Access for Indigenous Primary Education