

indigenous communities volunteer program panama,panama environmental education volunteering programs,gender and women empowerment volunteering programs panama, educational infraestructure in rural communities volunteer program panama

Panama is known as the "Crossroads of the Americas" due to its privileged position between North and South America. Panama's flora and fauna is incredibly diverse. Blue-green seas, foggy highlands and snaking rivers fringe its great tropical wilderness. Panama's many indigenous tribes are still thriving, living in the same ancient manner as their ancestors, making its cultural fabric exceptionally rich.

Despite Panama's status as an upper-middle income nation – as measured by per capita GDP – it remains a country of stark contrasts. Perpetuated by dramatic educational disparities, over one-third of Panama's population lived in poverty in 2008 and 14.4% in extreme poverty. Most important contemporary development challenges in the country include high rates of rural poverty and inequality, poor environmental awareness, gender inequality and bad conditions of the indigenous people.

Our work
Reto Juvenil has been present in Panama implementing programs focused on education in indigenous communities in order to raise the basic community living stantards. Together with the RJI staff, volunteers have contributed with their time and skills to improve the social and economic welfare of the area.

Our current projects in Panama include

  • Environmental education programs.
  • Gender and women empowerment initiatives.
  • Educational infraestructure in rural communities.


Our communities:
During its trajectory in Panama, RJI has assisted a large number of communities in their process of growth and sustainable development. Nevertheless, to avoid dependency we normally work for periods of 3 to 5 years in a community, and after it is empowered enough to continue developing by itself, we continue our assistance to another community.

Currently, RJI is working in the next communities:

  • Silico Creek.
  • Panama City.
  • Bocas del Toro.