
Cuba is a beautiful country, with a rich and colorful culture. Being the biggest of the Antillean Islands, it is also one of the poorest in the region, due to several wars and revolutions in their history, and a dictatorship since 1959. This regime, under the command of Fidel Castro, and the commercial embargo from the United States and other countries, has jeopardized the development in the country. The social reality in the country is contrasting with the beauty of their nature, cities, culture and people, which is always welcoming and charming. Cuba possesses many beautiful destinations and a rich nature, and culturally, is one of the most colorful countries in Latin America
Nevertheless, contemporary development challenges include accentuated poverty in rural communities, poor health, gender inequality and poor public infrastructure.
Our current projects in Cuba include:
- Environmental education.
- Assistance to National Parks and other protected areas.
- Conservation projects for the protection of sea turtles.
- Organic agriculture projects.
- Support to indigenous communities.
- Gender and women empowerment initiatives.
- Educational infrastructure in rural communities.
- Support to children shelters.
Currently, RJI is working in the following communities:
Las Palmas